Organizational Health & safety for employee relation


To maintain proper employee relationship, having proper OHS system is key to Increasing worker productivity and ensuring occupational health and safety (OHS) are top priorities for business, particularly in emerging nations. According to Shikdar and Sawaqed (2003), these sectors share a number of features, including poor workplace design, poorly structured jobs, a mismatch between worker abilities and job requirements, a hostile environment, subpar human-machine system design, and inappropriate management programs.                                                                                                                      


Its goal is to prevent accidents and injuries carried on by work related tasks. The concept of internal responsibility recognizes that, rather than government inspectors, attorneys, or consultants, the parties in the workplace management, employees, health and safety committees, and, if suitable, unions are in the best position to help prevent illnesses and accidents at work.

What does OHS stand for?

Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) addresses all aspects of health and safety in the workplace with a strong emphasis on the main prevention of hazards. Its objective is to stop accidents and injuries caused by work-related tasks.


Importance of employee occupational health and Safety

It is obvious that health and safety are not just HR's concerns because there are so many parties involved. However, there is a significant role that HR and the other employees at the workplace perform, primarily.


  • Reducing injuries
  • Improved Employee Safety
  • Reduced Costs
  • Improved Productivity


To maintain good employee relationship, proper OSH system is most essential parts otherwise, employees job satisfaction level will be less and job retention also an issue, Employee occupational health and safety is a critical concern for any organization, as an HR professional, you have a significant role to play in ensuring that employees work in a safe and healthy environment. This includes conducting risk assessments, providing training and development, implementing health and wellness programs, and ensuring compliance with regulations.

Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)(2021)

Fundamental Principles of occupational health & Safety – Benjamin O. Alli – Second Edition

The Importance of Occupational Health and Safety (2022)

10 benefits of Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (no Year)


  1. Interesting topic selection. Could you comment on how the consideration of occupational health and safety has changed in the post-pandemic context?

    1. Organisations have started to initiate post-pandemic disease control measures at workplaces which includes providing personal protective equipment (PPE), ensuring proper ventilation, and implementing social distancing measures. Remote working has become a key tool in reducing commuting time and expenses, and reduces the risk of infection.

    2. Thanks for feedback, It's great to see that organizations are taking proactive steps to promote a safe and healthy workplace environment for their employees. The use of personal protective equipment (PPE), proper ventilation, and social distancing measures are all effective strategies in preventing the spread of diseases

  2. Very important topic selected.
    Poor OSH can have numerous negative consequences on both workers and employers. Work place injuries and accidents can result in lost productivity, medical expenses, compensation claims, and even legal action against the employer leading to reputational damage. Workers who feel that their health and safety is not being prioritized may become demotivated, leading to reduced productivity, increased absenteeism, and higher staff turnover.

    1. Thanks for comments, Yes, poor occupational safety and health (OSH) can indeed have significant negative consequences for both workers and employers. When workplace injuries and accidents occur, workers may be unable to perform their jobs, resulting in lost productivity and income. They may also incur medical expenses and require time off work for recovery, which can further impact their finances.

  3. Interesting topic. The article emphasizes the importance of maintaining a proper occupational health and safety (OHS) system to ensure worker productivity and reduce the risk of accidents and injuries in the workplace. The article also notes that emerging nations often face challenges in this area due to poor workplace design, poorly structured jobs, and inadequate management programs.

    The article's reference to the concept of internal responsibility is also noteworthy, as it suggests that the responsibility for maintaining a safe work environment rests with both management and employees, rather than solely with government inspectors or consultants.

    Overall, the article highlights the critical role that OHS plays in ensuring the well-being of employees, reducing costs associated with accidents and injuries, and improving productivity in the workplace. As such, businesses should prioritize the development and implementation of effective OHS systems, particularly in emerging nations where these challenges may be more prevalent.

    1. Thanks for the feedback, for employers, the consequences of poor OSH can also be severe. Workplace accidents and injuries can lead to increased workers' compensation claims and insurance costs, as well as potential legal action.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Very interesting topic.
    How can we make sure that our organization's OHS system is comprehensive and effective in avoiding accidents and injuries, while also promoting employee productivity and satisfaction?

    1. To ensure an effective and comprehensive OHS system, organizations should conduct a risk assessment, provide comprehensive training, implement health and wellness programs, and ensure compliance with relevant regulations. This will help promote employee safety and productivity while mitigating potential risks and hazards in the workplace.

  6. Very valuable article, According to Kumar,T,S. (2015)
    Due to rapid industrialization, industrial workers are exposed to several types ofhazards and accidents. Every year lakhs of workers are injured due to mechanical, chemical,electrical and radiation hazards and it leads to partial or total disablement. So in recent years,greater attention is given to health and safety due to pressure from government, trade unions,labour laws and awareness of employers.The efficiency of workers depends to a great extends on the environment in which thework. Work environment consists of all the factors, which act and react on the body and mindof an employee. The primary aim is to create an environment, which ensures the greatest easeof work and removes all causes of worries.Occupational health and safety is a discipline with a broad scope involving manyspecialized fields. In its broadest sense, it should aim at:
    The promotion and maintenance of the highest degree of physical, mental and socialwell-being of workers in all occupations.
    The prevention among workers of adverse effects on health caused by their workingconditions.
    The protection of workers in their employment from risks resulting from factorsadverse to health.
    The placing and maintenance of workers in an occupational environment adapted to physical and mental needs.
    The adaptation of work to humans.

    1. Thanks for comments, it is true that industrialization has brought about several benefits to our society, but it has also resulted in various occupational hazards that industrial workers face on a daily basis. These hazards can cause severe injuries, disabilities, and even death in some cases.

  7. Occupational health and safety are very important factors to retain and attract employees to the organization. If the organization has not introduced and implemented well established OHS standards and practices what will be the result of the bottom line? increasing lost time inquiries, increasing insurance premium and decreasing the employee satisfaction levels, finally hard to retain and attract employees.

    1. Thanks for feedback, I could agree more, Occupational health and safety are critical considerations for any organization that wants to retain its employees and attract new talent. When workers feel safe and supported in their jobs, they are more likely to stay with a company long-term and perform at their best.

  8. Hi Asanka , Your article Health & Safety of Employee is very essential & topic for the organizations. Workplace health and safety is all about sensibly managing risks to protect your workers and your business. Good health and safety management is characterized by strong leadership involving your managers, workers, suppliers, contractors and customers.

    1. Thank you for your comment, I'm glad to hear that you found my article on the importance of employee health and safety in the workplace to be valuable, you are absolutely right that workplace health and safety is critical for both employees and businesses. Prioritizing the well-being of workers not only helps prevent injuries and illnesses, but also leads to increased productivity and job satisfaction.

  9. The topic of this post is crucial and highly fascinating. In my opinion, having a workforce that is safe and healthy in today's corporate environment may boost output, boost productivity, and boost profitability.

    1. Yes, you are correct Sineth, as example in Covid situation what we done to keep our associates with safty

  10. Hi Asanka, An interesting article. Could you provide further details regarding the measures that HR professionals could implement to promote a culture of safety in the workplace? Additionally, how can HR work together with management, staff, and other relevant parties to prevent workplace incidents and illnesses?

    1. Hi Praveen, thanks for the comments and your workplace will be more productive and effective if you take steps to protect your employees. According to research, employees who work in environments that prioritize health and safety are more productive. Less disturbance results from reducing downtime brought on by illnesses and accidents. to crate health and safety workplace with together of management and staff following action we can take,
      Train employees well, Reward employees for safe behavior, Partner with occupational clinicians, use labels and signs, keep things clean, make sure employees have the right tools and have regular equipment inspections, implement safety protocols from the start, Have regular meetings on workplace safety.

  11. Our collective adrenaline is wearing off as the immediate Covid-19 threat recedes, leaving staff to deal with long-term physical and mental effects. Reduced performance and productivity, no-notice resignations, and workplace strife are all effects of the recent societal, economic, and political unrest.
    Employers can help employees by offering them proactive rest to maintain their emotional stability and performance, discussion opportunities to work through problems and touchy subjects without judgment or repercussions, and trauma counselors to train and coach managers on workplace conflict as well as how to have difficult conversations with employees.

    1. Thanks for the comments, it's understandable that the collective adrenaline rush we experienced during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic is starting to wear off. However, it's crucial that we acknowledge and address the long-term physical and mental effects that staff may be experiencing as a result of the pandemic.

  12. I completely agree with you, talented personnel are the backbone of any successful organization. Without skilled and motivated employees, it's difficult to achieve great results, foster a positive culture, and keep clients satisfied. It's important for companies to invest in recruiting, training, and retaining top talent.

  13. I have read through the academic blog on the importance of Occupational Health and Safety for employee relations, and I agree with the points made. The article highlights that a proper OHS system is essential for maintaining a healthy and safe work environment, which in turn increases worker productivity and job satisfaction. This is in line with the findings of Briscoe, Schuler, and Tarique (2012), who suggest that effective human resource management policies and practices are crucial for the success of multinational enterprises.

    Furthermore, the article emphasizes that everyone in the workplace has a role to play in preventing accidents and illnesses. As stated by Edwards and Rees (2011), it is essential to recognize the importance of internal responsibility and to involve management, employees, health and safety committees, and, if appropriate, unions in the prevention of hazards. This collaborative approach can lead to reduced costs, improved productivity, and improved employee safety, as noted in the article.

    In conclusion, I fully agree with the article's assertion that a proper OHS system is crucial for maintaining good employee relations. HR professionals have an essential role to play in ensuring that employees work in a safe and healthy environment, as suggested by Kew and Stredwick (2016). By conducting risk assessments, providing training and development, implementing health and wellness programs, and ensuring compliance with regulations, HR can contribute to a positive workplace culture that prioritizes employee health and safety.

  14. When it comes to regulatory framework of organizational health and safety, the Department of Labour is the main regulatory body in Sri Lanka for occupational health and safety. It is responsible for enforcing the Factories Ordinance, conducting inspections and investigations into workplace accidents, and prosecuting employers who violate the regulations. Additionally, there are other regulations and guidelines related to occupational health and safety in specific industries. Employers are required to comply with these regulations and guidelines to ensure the health and safety of their employees as well.

    1. Thank you for your comment, I completely agree with you, further details with these comments.


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