Importance of Employee Relation in Apparel Industry


The simplest explanation for why an employee relations area is still crucial is that a business cannot operate without its workforce. Employee retention refers to a business's desire to retain valuable, experienced employees for as long as feasible. Specially in apparel industry, with huge amount of pressure employee relation is taking major part.

What is an Employee relationship?

Workers and their employers are connected through employee relations. Managing employees' problems at work, giving them a chance to speak up for their needs, and handling employees' complaints are all parts of employee relations. Employee relations are crucial in the apparel industry to keep a proper workforce because when management forces workers to produce a certain amount for a specific hour and for the rest of the day, there is a lot of pressure.                                                                                                                                   

How did employee relation emerge in apparel industry?

The primary component in the apparel sector is human capital.

It is crucial to keep a strong relationship and bond between the company and its workers when human resources become the organization's primary resource. Organizations in the apparel sector place a greater emphasis on productivity and efficiency, so management tries to get workers to do more work than they are ready to.

Managing complaints and taking care of the workers is crucial in situations where there is increased workplace pressure and employee stress. What we do in terms of employee relations is ideal for the apparel industry in order to keep a positive working relationship. Employee relations have therefore taken on a crucial and growing part in Apparel industry. 

Importance of employee relation in apparel industry.

There are many ways that employee relation helps to enhance the performance in the apparel industry.

Reduce turnover.

High staff turnover has a variety of effects on the business. In addition to being inconvenient, it also harms the organization's reputation, raises the cost of hiring new employees, necessitates more training and development, and reduces output.

Keeping excellent employee relations will lessen these negative effects, give employers the luxury of keeping a healthy workforce, and result in a more effective and efficient organization.

Strengthen workplace relationships and corporate ethos.

Unhappy workers frequently attempt to place the blame for their problems on the company. The connection between the employees and the organization will be strengthened when the organization maintains excellent employee relations. When there is a strong bond between the workers, employee complaints are less likely to arise, which improves the performance of the company. It will support the development of a positive corporate atmosphere. Employee-driven cultures are always beneficial to the company and can draw talent there.

• Increase productivity.

Better company outcomes result from motivated and productive employees who feel supported and engaged. In sectors that place a greater emphasis on human resources, maintaining positive employee relations is key.

• Improved Communication

Better communication among workers can result from good employee relations. Employees are more likely to feel heard and valued when there is open and honest communication, and employers can receive insightful feedback from their staff.

• Preventing disputes at work.

Conflict in the workplace can be avoided by having good staff relations. Employees are less likely to become irate or feel the need to escalate problems when they believe that their complaints are being heard and taken seriously.


Overall, positive employee relations are essential to the success and sustainability of the apparel industry, by investing in employee engagement, communication, and addressing labor concerns, apparel companies can create a positive work environment that supports both employee and business success.


Apparel Manufacture | Brandix

What is employee relation? (2023)

What is employee relation in HR?(2022) - :~:text=Importance%20Of%20Employee%20Relations%201%20Improved%20employee%20engagement,Increased%20motivation%20...%206%20Improved%20employee%20loyalty%20


  1. Well scripted. Feedback and recognition are two factors which support to maintain a good relationship with employees. How is the feedback process taken place in the apparel industry ? What kind of rewards are given to employees as a part of recognition ?

    1. in apparel sector mostly depending on human resource, so we are giving, free transportation, free meal, annual bonus, water project, and other CSR activity for our employees.

  2. According to Paulsen,E.(2021) Employee retention can be defined as an organization’s ability to keep its employees. Whether you have high or low turnover, you can prevent top talent from leaving with the right practices and strategies.

    Employee turnover is usually represented in percentages that vary by industry. Turnover rates can span anywhere from 20 percent in public-sector roles to 60 percent in professional services, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

    A strong employee retention strategy combats voluntary employee turnover. And when you reduce voluntary turnover, you avoid unnecessary costs and roadblocks to growth.

    1. Thank you for your comment! Yes, employee retention is crucial for organizations, and retaining top talent is even more important. By implementing the right practices and strategies, organizations can create a positive work environment and culture that encourages employee engagement and loyalty.

  3. The article has been emphasized that how important of employee relation in apparel industry . The important functions of industrial relations are: To establish communication between workers and management to maintain the sound relationship between the two. To establish support between managers and employees. To ensure the creative contribution of trade unions to avoid industrial conflicts.

    1. Thank you for emphasizing the importance of employee relations in the apparel industry, highlights the crucial functions of industrial relations, such as establishing communication between workers and management, promoting support between managers and employees, and ensuring the creative contribution of trade unions to prevent industrial conflicts.

  4. Good article. What potential difficulties may apparel companies face in achieving good employee relations?

    1. Thank you for your feedback on the article. When it comes to achieving good employee relations in apparel companies, there are several potential difficulties that they may face. Here are some of the key ones:

      Labor issues: The apparel industry has long been associated with labor exploitation and poor working conditions. Ensuring fair wages, safe working environments, and adequate rest breaks can be a challenge for companies in this sector, especially those operating in developing countries where labor laws may be weaker.

      Communication barriers: Many apparel companies operate across multiple countries and cultures, which can create communication barriers and misunderstandings between management and employees. Language barriers, time zone differences, and cultural differences can all impact effective communication and collaboration

  5. Hi Asanka, Thank you for highlighting the importance of employee relations in the apparel industry. nowadays consumers often consider the ethics and working conditions of the companies they buy from, and it's encouraging to see industry leaders prioritizing the well-being and satisfaction of their employees. Not only does a positive work environment lead to better employee retention and productivity, but it also reflects positively on the brand as a whole.

    1. Thank you for highlighting the importance of employee relations in the apparel industry. Nowadays consumers often consider the ethics and working conditions of the companies they buy from, and it's encouraging to see industry leaders prioritizing the well-being and satisfaction of their employees

  6. A very informative blog on apparel industry and its employee relations. As apparel industries primary resource is human capital, this blog explains well the relation between these two.

    1. Thank you for your comment. I completely agree with you that human capital is the primary resource in the apparel industry, and my blog was intended to shed light on this important relationship.

  7. Very interesting article on the importance of employee relations in the Apparel Industry. Nangia, M. (2014) Few firms are able to provide their workforce with the tools and knowledge they need to close the gap between a strong business strategy and bottom-line performance. A cutting-edge, crucial business practice that helps your employees perform their jobs more effectively is employee relationship management. In other words, it is a technique utilized to improve the way you manage your interactions with your staff members as well as how effectively they operate together. ERM will be even more popular than the currently popular concept of customer relationship management because in order for customer relationship management to be effective, businesses need to have motivated and dedicated staff, which is made feasible by ERM.

  8. In my perspective, employees today expect to work in an environment where they may openly express their opinions without management interference. You explained the employee relationship very effectively.

    1. I completely agree. In today's workplace, employees value transparency and open communication from their managers and colleagues. They want to feel that their voices are heard and that they have a say in the decisions that affect their work.

  9. The partnership between employers and employees is known as "employee relations." Employee relations are defined in the workplace today to include both interpersonal and group connections. Following the emergence of individual workplace rights, it shows the rising individualization of the job relationship.

    In the modern world, it is very challenging to keep employees in the company for a long time. Because of this, as you mentioned above, we should be concerned about maintaining employee relations properly.

    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on employee relations in the modern workplace. It's true that the traditional model of an employer-employee relationship has evolved over time, and now includes not only the interpersonal interactions between individuals but also the dynamics within groups.

  10. The apparel industry has unique challenges when it comes to employee relations, such as lack of communication, poor working conditions, compliance with labor laws, cultural differences, and unionization. To address these challenges, companies should focus on improving communication, improving working conditions and safety measures, ensuring compliance with labor laws and regulations, promoting cultural sensitivity and diversity, and developing positive relationships with labor unions. I have got a better understanding about the subject matter of the article. Thanks for developing and sharing this.


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