Organizational employee relations



‘The approaches and methods adopted by employers to deal with employees either collectively through their trade unions or individually.’ (Armstrong, 2017)

Employee relations are defined as the ability of an administration to build and maintain positive relationships with its workers, by upholding positive, productive employee relations, organizations hope to retain employees' loyalty and improve their level of involvement at work.

A key component of overall organizational success is employee relations. Why? Since employees are the heart of any organization and effective employee relationship management improves worker satisfaction (and performance), you want to make sure that both employer-employee and cross-employee relations are maintained. 


Why employee relations important?

This perspective encourages those in management and executive roles to seek employee feedback, to value their input more highly, and to take into account the employee experience when making decisions that affect the whole company in order to maintain favorable working relationships.

How do you manage issues with employee relations?

Employee relations problems can take many different forms, and how they need to be managed will rely on the specific problem. There are, however, some basic rules to abide by. Observing is one of them. Try to concentrate on what is being said while paying close consideration to both the verbal and physical cues.

What is the strategy for employee relations?

By fostering an environment that is accommodating to both parties' needs, an employee relations strategy can strike a balance between both employees and employers. Employees want recognition and appreciation, while employers want success and productivity. Both parties are going to benefit from a successful employee relations strategy.

The following KPIs should be at least part of your strategy:

·       Number of recognitions

·       Number of complaints

·       Complaint response time

·       Quarterly benefits and compensation data compared to competitors

·       Employee satisfaction

·       Employer performance


In general, it can be seen that employee relations and job satisfaction are positively correlated in any company. Organizations that have stronger relationships with their staff members are able to keep them inspired & meet organizational goals and objectives, when we are having good relationship between in both parties, results are more positives.    


Armstrong, M., 2006. A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice. 10th ed. 120, Pentonville Road, London N1 9JN, United Kingdom: Kogan Page Limited, London

Employee Relations Best Practices and Trends for 2019 | HR Technologist. 2020. 3 Employee Relations Best Practices and Trends for 2019 

Employee Relations. 2020. Employee Relations. [ONLINE] Available at:

Management-employee relations, firm size and job satisfaction | Aysit Tansel & Saziye Gazioglu |Emerald Insight. 2020. Management-employee relations, firm size and job satisfaction |Emerald Insight.


  1. Employee relation is a key aspect of human resource management. Maintaining a better relationship will increase productivity. Employees engagement level and commitment to work will increase. Employees will work efficiently. It will enhancejob satisfaction. What are the procedures company taking to keep the employee relationship in high level.

    1. Adopting flexible working place, incentives to support the situation during the economic crisis, revisiting the leave policies and in-person discussions are some of the factors the companies are looking to improve the employee relations. On a personal front, I received few incentives as a financial support and regular chit-chats with my managers for the mental well-being.

    2. Great to hear that you are receiving support from your company during these challenging times. Adopting flexible working arrangements and revisiting leave policies are indeed important factors that companies can use to improve employee relations. Incentives can also be a powerful motivator for employees and can help to build loyalty and engagement.

  2. Building positive employee relations is critical to the success of any organization. Employers who establish good employee relations are more likely to attract and retain talented employees. Do you agree ?

    1. Yes, I completely agree with your statement. Building positive employee relations is crucial for any organization's success, and it is directly linked to employee retention and attraction of top talent. When employees have a good relationship with their employer, they are more engaged, productive, and motivated to contribute to the company's goals.

  3. Better persuading of Employee Relation in an organization. Employee relations are important because they form the foundation of trust between an organization and its employees. When workers feel respected by their supervisors for their contributions to the organization's success, they tend to reciprocate this respect with hard work and loyalty towards the company.

    1. Well said, Building strong employee relations is critical for creating a culture of trust and respect in the workplace. When employees feel like their supervisors and colleagues appreciate their work and support their growth and development

  4. Hi Asanka, Great article on organizational employee relations! I believe organisations should invest more time in effective communication strategies, as clear and open communication can make all the difference in resolving conflicts and building trust. Looking forward to reading more from this blog

    1. Thank you for your feedback and for taking the time to read my article on organizational employee relations. I completely agree with your comment that effective communication strategies are crucial for maintaining positive relationships within organizations.

  5. Hi Asanka, this is an article explaining the 360 degree of employee relationship of an organization. where the two way effective communication is the right tool to handle the shortcoming situations on this area, also the problems should be sorted with a win-win situation to see a positive future to both parties.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, I'm glad you found the comments helpful and agree with the importance of communication and collaboration in employee-organization relationships.

  6. Establishing a well-designed process of employee relation is very important in an organization. Maintaining a healthy relationship between the employer and the employee will create better industrial harmony. Place a well-designed problem solving and grievance handling procedure is an important area of the IR, Maintaining the healthy relationship with employer and employee unions and related government institutions such as Labour Department is the responsibility of the HRM.

    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the importance of establishing a well-designed process of employee relations in an organization. I completely agree that maintaining a healthy relationship between the employer and the employee is crucial for fostering industrial harmony and improving overall productivity.

  7. Great article on organizational employee relations! It's important for employers to prioritize maintaining positive relationships with their employees in order to foster a healthy and productive work environment. The tips you provided on improving communication and addressing conflicts were very helpful. It's also interesting to see how technology can play a role in improving employee relations, such as using online platforms for feedback and recognition. Overall, this is a valuable resource for both employers and employees looking to improve their workplace relationships.

    1. Thank you for your positive feedback on the article about organizational employee relations. I'm glad to hear that the tips provided on improving communication and addressing conflicts were helpful. It's important for employers to prioritize maintaining positive relationships with their employees as it can lead to a healthier and more productive work environment.


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