Employee Relation with hybrid work Environment

 Why We want hybrid work Environment?

It's how we create a workplace that will continue to motivate employees, offer the modern workspace they want, and equip managers with the tools they need to protect the long-term financial health of their companies and the environment.


What is the meaning of Hybrid work?

 Hybrid work is a flexible approach that combines working from home and an office environment.

 "'Hybrid' is not an especially novel term. Over the years, it has been used in a variety of depictions. In more recent times, the term "hybrid" has come to signify an entirely new aspect of how technology impacts how people live their lives. We are familiar with the way of living in our home country, to be sure. Because individuals create them, culture directly affects us. (Iqbal et al.,2021).

Regarding hybrid work, the conventional work paradigm is utterly out of date. Hybrid work has altered the way we perceive work. It's a contemporary, flexible method of working that has long been used in the workplace. Although it is common with many organizations all over the globe, half-and-half work is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Instead, it is accessible to different businesses and their workers in a range of formats. Hybrid work is flexible and respectful of a variety of work schedules. It gives employees the freedom to plan their workweek however they see fit while adhering to business policies, giving them control over how and where they work. Organizations that employ a hybrid work approach may provide a superior balance between serious and fun activities to their representatives. Businesses can operate more effectively as a result of this, which in turn increases productivity and employee engagement at work.

Benefits of the Hybrid work model

In the hybrid system, there are lots of benefits,

·       Employees can work when and how they are most productive.

Employees have more control over when, how, and where they can complete work in a hybrid model. This means that locations and schedules can change. For instance, while some people perform better in the evening, others perform better in the morning. They can also choose to work alone from a remote location or with teammates on-site.

·       Better work-life balance

A flexible work schedule makes it easier to strike a balance. Employees can free up time to handle personal responsibilities like running errands, picking up children from daycare, or being home for a delivery when they have more control over their work schedules. 

·       Hire talent across the global 

Do you want to hire more people? In a mixture work model, your organization can recruit ability from one side of the planet to the other. You can hire people with specialized skills because you have access to a wider talent pool. This can give your company a competitive advantage, assist you in entering new markets, and guarantee continuous productivity.

·       Save on real estate expenses

A hybrid work model allows for fewer employees to be present at any given time. This may necessitate reducing the size of their real estate for some businesses. At the very least, hybrid working will assist you in determining how much office space is required to accommodate your staff.


Disadvantages of hybrid work 

·       Harder to collaborate with remote employees

·       Faster employee burnout

·       Difficulty keeping up with hybrid schedules

·       Not suitable for all industries


What are the four hybrid work schedules?

  • Hybrid at-will: Employees can choose which day or days to come into the office.
  • Hybrid spilled week: Relevant companies can assign specific days for onsite and remote work by team or their function.
  • Hybrid manager scheduling: Managers choose which day or days their team comes into the office.
  • Hybrid-mix: A combo of all three options.





A hybrid work environment combines office and remote work to give employees flexibility and assistance. Employees often have greater work-life balance and more autonomy in hybrid workplaces, which results in higher levels of engagement. Building a more productive, healthy, and stable workforce is advantageous to employers. A hybrid work model is most important in a dynamic environment. Working in a hybrid way employees can get lots of benefits.



Iqbal, K.M.J., Khalid, F. and Barykin, S.Y., 2021. Hybrid workplace: The future of work. In Handbook of Research on Future Opportunities for Technology Management Education (pp. 28-48). IGI Global.

Peña Hernández R, Labrada Arreola LY. Analysis of human talent management: Teleworking [Internet]. UTEL INTERACTIVITY; 2022 [cited 2022Sep]

Monahan K. The Future Of Work: Productive Anywhere [Internet]. Accenture; 2021 [cited 2022Sep28

The next great disruption is hybrid work: are we ready? [Internet]. Microsoft; 2021 [cited 2022Sep28]


  1. A very widely discussed topic in the current context.
    This concept is increasing its popularity as the ‘new normal’ or the ‘future of the work’. There are both pros and cons of the system. In addition to the above benefits, employee retention can be increased (since most employees prefer the flexibility) and it also provides job opportunities in rural areas. Technical glitches and subject to more distractions are other disadvantages on the hybrid system.

    1. You are absolutely right, the hybrid work model has gained a lot of traction since the pandemic forced many companies to adopt remote work. While it has its advantages, like the flexibility it provides, it also comes with some drawbacks, such as the potential for communication and collaboration challenges. It's important for companies to carefully consider the pros and cons of the hybrid work model before deciding whether or not to implement it.

  2. Good evaluation of hybrid work with employee relation . Gartner's Hybrid Work Employee Survey found that the traditional location-centric model erodes performance and well-being, while a human-centric model drives performance, a result that favors hybrid workplaces.
    "A human-centric approach puts the people in the office at the heart of decision-making about the workplace strategy and wider HR initiatives," said Alexia Cambon, research director for Gartner's HR practice. "The key is to balance the needs of the individual, the team and the organization."
    However, many organizations have managers who lack the skills and experience required to manage effectively in a hybrid environment.

    1. Thanks for your comment, I agree, it's exciting to see data supporting the benefits of hybrid work models. I think we'll definitely see more companies exploring hybrid options in the future, especially as the pandemic has forced many organizations to rethink their approach to remote work

  3. I agree that a hybrid workplace can give workers more freedom and flexibility, which in turn would result in increasing the level of engagement by employees. Employers may also benefit from a hybrid work model's advantages in terms of developing a workforce that is more productive, steady, and healthy. But any hybrid work model needs to be well planned and implemented in order to be a win-win for both parties.

    1. Hi Hasmath, thanks for commenting, However, as you mentioned, it's important to plan and implement a hybrid work model carefully. This may involve creating clear policies and procedures around remote work, providing adequate training and support for employees, and ensuring that communication channels remain open and effective.

  4. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on hybrid work environments! As someone who's been working remotely for the past few years, I've found that having a mix of in-person and remote work can be a great way to balance the benefits of both (Global Workplace Analytics, 2021). It allows for more flexibility and autonomy in terms of where and when work gets done, while still providing the benefits of face-to-face collaboration and teamwork. Of course, there are challenges to be navigated as well, such as communication and maintaining company culture, but I think it's worth the effort to create a successful hybrid work environment. I appreciate the opportunity to learn more about this topic and look forward to reading more insights from you and others on this subject.

    1. It is great to hear that you've found a successful balance between in-person and remote work. Many people have found that a hybrid work model provides the best of both worlds, as it allows for flexibility and autonomy while still providing opportunities for face-to-face collaboration and team-building.

  5. Good selection of topic, Asanka. What are some effective strategies for managers to lead and manage a team in a hybrid work model? As remote work becomes more prevalent, what are some key skills and tools that managers should develop to successfully manage a team that is both in-person and remote?

    1. Hi Hadhil thanks for the feedback, absolutely, effective communication is crucial in a hybrid work model, regular team meetings and video calls can help remote team members feel connected and involved in the team's work, while project management tools can help keep everyone on the same page and track progress.

  6. It's important to establish appropriate flexibility for frontline workers, such as those in manufacturing and healthcare, while we move towards a more permanent period of hybrid work for desk-based professionals.
    As companies seek to provide their frontline employees with more freedom, top choices that appeal to this group:
    -Control of the work schedule
    -Paid leave
    -Continuity of the work schedule
    -Frontline employees often exhibit interest in other forms of flexibility, like the ability to choose their projects, collaborators, and schedules.

    1. Hi Pham, thanks for the feedback, I completely agree with you that it's important for companies to establish appropriate flexibility for frontline workers, especially those in industries like manufacturing and healthcare where the work often requires physical presence. As we move towards a more permanent period of hybrid work for desk-based professionals, it's crucial that we don't overlook the needs and preferences of frontline workers who may have different work styles and requirements.

  7. HI Asanka, By understanding your article, You are true that a hybrid work environment that blends office and remote work can provide employees with flexibility and help, leading to increased work-life balance, autonomy, and engagement. Employees and employers alike can profit from this by creating a more productive, healthier, and stable workforce.
    A hybrid work environment can give a variety of benefits to employees, including flexibility, work-life balance, and autonomy, resulting in increased levels of engagement and productivity. However, before introducing a hybrid work model, employers must carefully examine their organization's and employees' needs, as well as give adequate support and resources to ensure its success.

    1. Hi Lahiru, thanks for feedback, at the same time, employers can benefit from the hybrid model as it allows them to create a more productive and stable workforce, by offering remote work options, they can attract and retain top talent while also reducing overhead costs associated with maintaining a large physical office space.

  8. In todays context hybrid work environment is practiced globally as well as locally. As you have mentioned there are advantages as well as disadvantages while practicing this system. However, employees like to have this hybrid concept since they have more freedom and they can balance their personal commitments as well. As employers, they need to have proper mechanisms / evaluation methods to get the full output of employees while they are enjoy the freedom of performing under hybrid work environment.

    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the topic of hybrid work environments. I completely agree with you that hybrid work environments are becoming increasingly popular among employees, as it provides them with greater flexibility to balance their work and personal commitments.


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