Job Design in HRM & employee relation



‘Job design specifies the contents of jobs in order to satisfy work requirements and meet the personal needs of the job holder, thus increasing levels of employee engagement.’ (Armstrong 2014, p. 145)

Job design entails creating an employee's work environment in a manner that gets rid of all the undesirable elements. They must adapt to the new work design in such a situation. This becomes crucial for those who are dissatisfied with their jobs and seeking a change, for those who need a challenge in their work, for those who are sick of doing the same thing every day, and for those who are exhausted with their jobs and need a change. Job design is a win-win situation for both the business and the employees, as opposed to forcing them to change jobs. The business won't have to deal with attrition and loose its top talent, but its top employees will.    

What is Job Design in terms of human resources?

Job design in HR can be considered the method by which the job process is determined, the group's work is arranged, and the workplace becomes organized using the results of the job analysis. In order for the individual and group goals to be aligned in a way that the organizational goal is achieved, HR must also take account of the overall objective of the company when designing jobs.

Steps in Job Design

To effectively carry out the job design, you must keep the following stages in mind when planning it.


Job Design Techniques & Methods

To change the work structure for an employee, there are typically four kinds of job design methods and techniques that are used. Find these job design techniques and tactics below.


The value and advantages of job design

A significant and essential component of human resource management is job planning. It directly affects the organization's output and effectiveness. In addition, it makes a sizable improvement to the working environment.

It establishes the duties that must be finished for the project to be successfully completed. There are many benefits to job design both for the company as a whole and for the individual.


In current global environment context job design is key element to success the business goals and objectives, it positively affects to organization & employee as well, Job design is a systematic approach to creating jobs that are both motivating for employees and add value to the organization. 

HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Sandra L. Steeh University of Regina, Raymond A. Nog Ohio State University, John R. Hollenbeck Michigan State University, Barry Gerhart University of Wisconsin-Madison, Patrick M. Wright Cornel/ Universit

Arnold, H. J., & House, R. J. (1980). Methodological and substantive extensions to the job characteristics model of motivation. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance25, 161–183.

Job Design - What is Job Design Meaning Definition in HRM, Method Process Techniques? (

Brass, D. J. (1985). Technology and the structuring of jobs: Employee satisfaction, performance, and influence. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes35, 216–240.


  1. Interesting topic.
    When jobs are not designed properly, employees may feel that their work is monotonous. This can lead to boredom, frustration, and a lack of motivation among employees leading to lower productivity. What other impacts do you think a poor job design would have on the organisation ?

    1. Poor job design can have several negative impacts on an organization beyond the effects on employee motivation and productivity. Here are a few potential consequences:

      High employee turnover: If employees are unhappy with their work and feel unfulfilled, they are more likely to leave their jobs. This can result in high employee turnover, which can be costly for the organization in terms of recruiting, hiring, and training new employees.
      Increased absenteeism and tardiness: If employees are not engaged with their work, they may be more likely to miss work or show up late. This can lead to decreased productivity and added strain on other team members who have to pick up the slack.

  2. According to Porter,H. And Norris,E.Job (2012) design is the division of work tasks assigned to an individual in an organisation that specifies what the worker does, how, and why. Effective job design contributes to the achievement of organizational objectives, motivation, and employee satisfaction. One of the most well-known approaches to job design is the Job Characteristics Model (JCM). In the JCM, five core characteristics are considered: (1) skill variety, (2) task identity, (3) task significance, (4) autonomy, and (5) feedback. Three strategies are necessary for organizations to increase the motivation potential of any job: job rotation, job enlargement, and job enrichment. Each of these offer options for mangers to implement in order to effectively design jobs. Employee jobs will need to be designed with fluid composition and boundaries that can rapidly change in size and shape as the winds of change form and reform internal work requirements.

    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on job design and the Job Characteristics Model (JCM). I agree that effective job design is crucial for achieving organizational objectives and promoting employee satisfaction and motivation.

  3. Good aligning about job design in HRM . Job design is the division of work tasks assigned to an individual in an organization that specifies what the worker does, how, and why. Effective job design contributes to the achievement of organizational objectives, motivation, and employee satisfaction.Good work design can save costs and enhance productivity, which has significant financial benefits to organisations. Well-designed work is often more efficient, as well as conducive to higher quality and more innovative service and products.

    1. Thank you for your insightful comments on the importance of job design in HRM. I completely agree that job design plays a crucial role in achieving organizational objectives, motivating employees, and enhancing their satisfaction.

  4. Hi Asanka, Thank you for highlighting the importance of a proper Job design. It is not a one size fits all solution, and HR must carefully consider the unique needs and preferences of each organization and its employees. By taking a thoughtful and collaborative approach to job design, HR can create a work environment that fosters productivity, satisfaction, and success.

    1. Thank you for your insightful comments on the importance of job design in HRM

  5. Hi Asanka, This article provides a comprehensive overview of job design and its significance in HRM and employee relations. I have one question. how can a company effectively balance the personal needs and work requirements of their employees through job design, while also ensuring that the overall objectives of the organization are being met?

    1. Thank you for your feedback on the article, to answer your question, companies can effectively balance the personal needs and work requirements of their employees through job design by taking a few steps:

      Conduct a job analysis: This involves identifying the tasks, duties, and responsibilities required for each position in the company. By doing this, the company can match employees to jobs that are a good fit for their skills and abilities, while also ensuring that the job requirements are clear.

      Offer flexible work arrangements: Many employees have personal responsibilities that can impact their ability to work a traditional 9-5 schedule. Companies can offer flexible work arrangements, such as telecommuting or flexible hours, to help employees balance their personal and work needs

  6. Yes, Job design is an important component in attaining company goals and objectives, and it can benefit both the firm and its personnel. Job design is a systematic strategy to create occupations that are stimulating for individuals and contribute to the organization's success. This includes activities and responsibilities that are challenging, relevant, and connected with the employee's talents and abilities. Employees are more likely to be motivated and devoted to their work when jobs are interesting and satisfying, leading to higher productivity and job satisfaction.

    1. I completely agree with you that job design plays a crucial role in achieving organizational goals and objectives, as well as benefiting employees

  7. In HRM, there is a good alignment on job design. The division of work duties allocated to an individual in an organization that outlines what the worker performs, Job design that is effective adds to the attainment of corporate goals, motivation, and employee happiness. Good work design may save expenses and increase productivity, which can have a big financial impact on organizations. I learned a lot about job design; excellent work.

    1. You're absolutely right that job design is crucial in achieving corporate goals, motivating employees, and increasing productivity.


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